Medical License Panama
Cannabis strains Wikipedia. Cannabis strains are either pure or hybridvarieties of the Cannabisgenus of plants, that encompasses the species. C. sativa, C. indica and C. Varieties are developed to intensify specific characteristics of the plant, or to differentiate the strain for the purposes of marketing or to make it more effective as a drug. Variety names are typically chosen by their growers, and often reflect properties of the plant such as taste, color, smell, or the origin of the variety. Cannabis strains commonly refer to those varieties with recreational and medicinal use. These varieties have been cultivated to contain a high percentage of cannabinoids. Several varieties of Cannabis, known as hemp, have a very low cannabinoid content, and are instead grown for their fiber and seed. Major variety typeseditThe two species of the Cannabis genus that are most commonly grown are Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. A third species, Cannabis ruderalis is very short and produces only trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol THC, and thus is not commonly grown for industrial, recreational or medicinal use. However, because Cannabis ruderalis flowers independently of the photoperiod and according to age, it has been used to breed autoflowering strains. Pure sativas are relatively tall reaching as high as 4. Pure indica varieties are shorter and bushier, have wider leaflets. VIV-Home_mob-2D.png' alt='Medical License Panama' title='Medical License Panama' />Getting a Panama Drivers License. Foreigners using their countrys driving license can operate a motor vehicle in Panama legally for up to 90 days. Medical education in Panama is principally offered and developed by accredited and government recognized medical schools in the country. There are 5 medical schools. Contact Information Filed under medical license, medical board, physician, doctor MedLicense. West 23rd Street, Suite 189 Panama City, FL 32405. All data within License Lookup is maintained by the State of Connecticut, updated instantly, and considered a primary source of verification. They are often favored by indoor growers for their size. Fusionfall 2015. Sativas bloom later than indicas, often taking a month or two longer to mature. The subjective effects of sativas and indicas are said to differ, but the ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol THC to cannabidiol CBD in most named drug varieties of both types is similar averaging about 2. Unlike most commercially developed strains, indica landraces exhibit plants with varying THCCBD ratios. Avidekel, a medical marijuana strain developed in Israel, has a very low content of THC but a high content of CBD, limiting its recreational value but maximizing medical effect. There has been a recent movement to characterize strains based on their reported subjective effects. Get the latest health news, diet fitness information, medical research, health care trends and health issues that affect you and your family on ABCNews. WJHG/v59c594a0db570/f0d64a0d79284c219a659148d6ed7e2a.jpg' alt='Medical License Panama' title='Medical License Panama' />For example, Woah. Stork has used machine learning algorithms to classify strains into six Distinct Activity groups. It is impossible for a hermaphrodite to create any male only plants. A hermaphrodite may create female only seeds and hermaphrodite seeds. Medical License Panama' title='Medical License Panama' />Also the female only seeds may carry the hermaphrodite trait. BreedingeditIn addition to pure indica, sativa, and ruderalis varieties, hybrid varieties with varying ratios of these three types are common. For example, the White Widow hybrid containing about 6. PilBcZhk-1600x900-noPad.jpg?1509870958' alt='Medical License Panama' title='Medical License Panama' />These hybrid varieties exhibit traits from both parental types. There are also commercial crossbredhybrids which contain a mix of both ruderalis, indica andor sativa genes, and are usually autoflowering varieties. These varieties are bred mostly for the medicinal cannabis market, since they are not very appreciated by recreational cannabis users because ruderalis varieties are lower in THC and impart a slightly unpleasant taste. Lowryder was an early auto flowering hybrid that retained the flowering behavior of ruderalis plants, while also producing appreciable amounts of THC and CBD. Autoflowering cannabis varieties have the advantage of being discreet due to their small stature. They also require shorter growing periods, as well as having the additional advantage that they do not rely on a change in the photoperiod to determine when to flower. Breeding requires pollinating a female cannabis plant with male pollen. Although this occurs spontaneously and ubiquitously in nature, the intentional creation of new varieties typically involves selective breeding in a controlled environment. When cannabis is cultivated for its psychoactive or medicinal properties, male plants will often be separated from females. This prevents the fertilization of the female plants, either to facilitate sinsemilla flowering or to provide more control over which male is chosen. Pollen produced by the male is caught and stored until it is needed. When a male plant of one strain pollinates a female of another strain, the seeds will be F1 hybrids of the male and female. These offspring will not be identical to their parents. Instead, they will have characteristics of both parents. Repeated breeding results in certain characteristics appearing with greater regularity. A common technique to stabilize a cannabis variety is called cubing. A breeder seeking specific traits in the hybrid offspring for example, greater resin production or tighter node spacing will breed hybrid plants most exemplifying these characteristics with a parent plant. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Clone Campaigns Torrent Download more. The same traits are sought in the new inbred offspring, which are then again bred with the original parent plant. This process is called cubing because it usually repeated across three, or possibly more generations before the varietys genetics are acceptably stable. VarietieseditIn a retail market that is decriminalised such as in The Netherlands, wholesale production is illegal but prosecutions are not always enforced because of the contradiction of the law that is recognised by the courts7, competition puts pressure on breeders to create increasingly attractive varieties to maintain market share. Breeders give their strains distinct and memorable names in order to help differentiate them from their competitors strains, although they may in fact be very similar. Popular strains are incorporated into new hybrids, which often bear a similar name to their parent. This phenomenon has occurred with Haze and Sour varieties, amongst others. Black market cannabis dealers sometimes claim their products are of a certain strain to capitalise on that strains success or reputation. Acapulco GoldeditAcapulco Gold is a golden leafed Cannabis sativa strain originally from the Acapulco area of southwest Mexico. BedrocaneditBedrocan is a medicinal cannabis variety cultivated from a Dutchmedical marijuana. Cannabis sativa L. THC 2. 2 and CBD 1. It is currently cultivated by Bedrocan Nederland, Bedrocan Canada and Bedrocan esk Republika. It was first introduced in 2. Blue DreameditBlue Dream is a hybrid cannabis strain widely used for both medical and recreational purposes first developed in 2. Purple KusheditPurple Kush is a 1. Indica strain of Cannabis. This plant, forms a short squat bush with very dense internodes and large fan leaves, staying in the 6. Purple Kushs foliage exhibits a classic indica growth pattern a sturdy bush with dark green hues and sometimes hints of purple toward ripeness. Tom Cruise PurpleeditTom Cruise Purple is a strain of cannabis sold in California by select licensed cannabis clubs. The strain is potent, and is packaged with a picture of the actor Tom Cruise laughing. Tom Cruise Purple is sold by cannabis purveyors in Northern California. Cruise sought out legal advice regarding the product, and considered a lawsuit against its manufacturers. Skunk refers to Cannabis strains that are strong smelling and have been likened to the smell of the spray from a skunk. These strains of cannabis are believed to have originated in the United States prior to development by Dutch growers.