How to check for software updates on your Android device When a software update is pushed out to your phone or tablet, you likely arent going to see it for at least another week or two. Most companies issue software updates in waves to ensure quality for everyone. But you can always speed that process up by manually checking for the latest software update. This process could vary by phone however, its relatively the same and only wording on individual devices will differ. Head into your devices Settings menu. Scroll down to the bottom and select About phone. Within the About phone menu, you should see something like Check for updates or System updates. Sango Fighter 2 Pc Game. Choose the appropriate option on your device. On some phones, that will start the process of manually checking that you are on the latest version immediately. But, on other phones, youll have a second option once opening that final menu, and thats just Check now. Select it, and your Android device will manually check that you have the latest system image. Thats all there is to it This same process works for tablets as well. Zte Wifi Router Hack' title='Zte Wifi Router Hack' />Its also worth noting that, if you read about an Android update rolling out to your phone, but dont see it after manually checking, dont worry. These things do take time to get to everyone, so you can either wait until you receive a notification to download the new update or check again tomorrow. Brad is a tech enthusiast, writing and tinkering with all things technology since 2. He currently bounces between the LG G3 and his beloved Moto XHis interests include reading, entrepreneurship, the gym, and of course, queso. GYzJWYVBpQ/UIeutZkH3RI/AAAAAAAACCM/47ymEcU1ysY/s1600/Negosyo+Boost+PLDT+WLAN+Password+Settings.PNG' alt='Zte Wifi Router Hack' title='Zte Wifi Router Hack' />Zte Wifi Router HackHolaa,weno en este post les voy a decir como hackear redis wifi wep o wpa, wpa2. ATENCION 1 y principal Hackear Redes WiFi es Ilegal, x lo tanto no me hago. Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do. Real news, curated by real humans. Packed with the trends, news links you need to be smart, informed, and ahead of the curve. Canard Wifi, premier blog francais sur les reseaux sans fil WiFi, WiMAX. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Phones are expensive you probably spent a couple hundred dollars on your phone. Plus, you typically sign a twoyear contract when you buy a phone. So, its worth. Bro funsho. I notice u didnt reply people with zte ac2766 model. I want u to reply me. I have bn trying to unlock a starcomms izap zte ac2766 modem for a yle. How to connect a printer to a wireless router and what settings to use on a computer. This step by step guide will help you successfully connect a computer.