Bob Vila Home Improvement Forums Home Repair and Renovation Projects, Featured Products Marketplace, Expert Do It Yourself, Budget and Green advice from Bob Vila. In case you havent noticed, we here at Lifehacker have spent the day gleefully reveling in fullblown Eclipse Madness. But now that the blessed event is behind us. There are two kinds of people in this world impossibly organized saints. Chrome at any given time. Sure, keeping. 161 Responses to Top 10 Questions about PVC Trim David Stuack September 5, 2012. I have found that Spray Nine works great for cleaning PVC. Deer Valley Homes from Guin, AL company profile including home pricing, modular home buyer comments and mystery homebuyer review. Safety glass protection offers a number of benefits over untoughened glass. Crestline Custom Builders from Laurinburg, NC company profile including home pricing, modular home buyer comments and mystery homebuyer review. January. Quotations for Gardeners, Walkers, and Lovers of the Green Way Poems, Quotes, Folklore, Myths, Customs, Holidays, Traditions, Verses Celebrations, Sayings. Repairing a damaged or broken window in your home is something that shouldnt be put off. Nowadays, many home windows are doublepaned insulated units that help. Fixing A Cracked Double Pane Window' title='Fixing A Cracked Double Pane Window' />Fixing A Cracked Double Pane WindowGetting Back Your Security Deposit   Recovering Your Security Deposit    This has to be the most common problem faced by renters. If it were any other perpetrator than a landlord, it would be treated as. Fixing A Cracked Double Pane Window' title='Fixing A Cracked Double Pane Window' />Embezzlement Grand. Theft, a felony, punishable by a year or more in prison. However, the police will declare it a civil matter, and. District Attorney and City Attorney wont prosecute, either, for political. Consequently, the landlords worst threat is as much as a hand slapping. Usually, the landlords get away with it completely, because tenants dont even think. If tenants registered to vote and showed up. You CAN register to vote, starting from the front page of this site, if you. End of tirade. Lets deal with it. Table of Contents    The law about  security deposits is quite clear. For residential tenancies e. Civil. Code Section 1. Civil. Code Section 1. You can refer to the respective statutes and. This is a very long web page, due to. Otherwise, the law may have changed by. In a nutshell, a security deposit is any money you. Small claims court is the best way to recover. For commercial tenants, it may be better to. Superior Court Limited Jurisdiction, because of the 5,0. Now, the details. What is a Security Deposit    Its not a simple question. If the purpose of the money is essentially to protect the. As a. general rule of thumb, anything you pay up front other than the first. Dont bother arguing about it when you rent. Just know thats the law, and your signing an agreement to the. The amount of the security deposit is usually one months. The maximum for residential tenants is 2 months rent on an unfurnished. There is no. maximum for commercial tenants deposit, however, probably to help the landlord. Screening Fee    One exception to the pre paid money is an application. That is not a. security deposit. Its purpose is pay for the processing charges of the credit. It cannot be more than the landlord actually incurs, nor more. If there are two tenants, it is about 6. Civil. Code Section 1. Pet Deposits and other special purposes     Although a pet deposit is theoretically just. Damage done by the pet is your damage, and. The maximum deposit, including. Key deposits and garage door opener deposits similarly are. The security. deposit can be used to replace things you have lost or removed, so that keys and. If you return the. Deposits to Hold Unit. You may find an apartment that is available, and you want to. It may be ready the first of next month, and be. They ask you. for a deposit to hold the unit, and you pay them some money which will be. They will stop. advertising it as a vacancy, and you need not look around any more. Is that a. security deposit you may ask, but there is no clear answer. It. depends on what a court believes the money was for. If its primary purpose to pay for them not renting the unit. You got what you paid for if they dont rent. If you change your mind, such as because you didnt get. They put it back on the market, and youve lost your deposit. Consequently, if. If the primary purpose is to begin the contract really to. If you change your mind, tell the landlord, and never move in, it. Another situation arises where the landlord promised that. X date, and on that day they. For example, heshe may have promised new carpet and paint by. November 1st, but it hasnt even started by that date, and youre waiting. You can stop the contract then, not move in, and. The contract was conditional, and the landlord. You should get the money without waiting, whether it is. Other Special Exceptions. Although these rarely occur, the law was written to cover two. The first is that if the tenancy is for at least a six month. That is, if the lease is for a year, the landlord can require the. Who said law had to make sense Or have a point The second exception, and it really is not an exception but a. The notion has nothing to do with the security. It never did, anyway. What is Supposed to happen    If youre reading this, you already have that funny feeling. The few differences between residential and commercial tenant. The Security Deposit is your money. It always has been. The landlord is allowed to hold it only for limited reasons. It can be. commingled with the landlords personal funds. There is no right to interest on. Los Angeles 5 annual. If there is no lawful right to keep any of it, the. The landlord is the trustee. When you move, you close that account. Interest In California, the tenant is NOT entitled to any interest. UNLESS it is required by a local. For example, the deposit. Los Angeles bears interest at 5 per year, so a. Glendale, no interest is. The landlord does not have to keep the money. Increased Rent and Deposit The idea of the deposit is to partly to pay for rent. Therefore, if your rent is. It is legal to do, and you have to pay it if you decide to stay at the. Return Deadline   Unless it is called last months rent in the. If they mail it, a. For  commercial tenants, the deposit must be. Commercial tenants get no itemized list of. The deadline is just a waiting time before you can. You need not wait to sue any longer than a month after you claim you. Itemized Deductions     The purpose of the itemization is to make it easier. Even if they. dont receive an itemized list of deductions, commercial tenants can still. If the commercial landlord refuses to respond, it is best to. The landlord is not required to supply receipts or other. The law uses these words a copy of an itemized statement indicating the basis for, andthe amount of, any security received and the disposition of the security. Civil Code Section 1. For example Security Deposit1,0. Enclosed refund6. In the above. example, the landlord had a cleaning crew clean the carpets and drapes, and then. A broken window was repaired. You had paid rent. October, but did not actually leave until November 4th, so. The. above itemization would be legally sufficient, even if you have no idea what. In that respect, youre. The list of deductions is a starting point. If you see that an improper item is. You might call the. If the mistake is innocent, or the. What is a lawful deduction is explained in. Games Landlords Play    Some landlords just dont know the law, or may have a good. This section is not about. They dont want to just come out and admit that theyre stealing your. They hope you dont find out what. For most tenants, the scam works, and. Its a game to them. The games are. given mostly childish names, because they really are childish games. Here are a few of the. SEMANTICS   The object of this game is for the. Your rental agreement might call for a security deposit of one. Under the law, these are all the same your security deposit. It is. There is no. Apartment owner associations put these charges into the printed. However, the law. Civil Code Section 1. When it comes to trial, you remind the judge about that broad definition. GHOSTS    The object of this game is for the. Unpaid. daily rent is a legitimate deduction IF you were actually there, so all they. You left your ghost. There are two versions of this game Keys and Things. Keys  In the Keys version, the landlord claims that you are. You can. reduce your stress and avoid that petty scheme by simply mailing a set of keys in. You can keep. a set to help you complete your move, and time it out so that they get your. Be sure to have your mail. Return Receipt card back, and have proof that. Saint Gobain Glass United Kingdom. Glass can be a dangerous material. When standard annealed glass breaks, it forms potentially lethal shards and splinters. The reputation for dangerous fragility is however fast disappearing. Glass manufacturers have developed a range of safety glasses adding strength and integrity to this beautiful building material and allowing glass to be used in areas where safety is critical and in unprecedented situations. Security is now also possible with glass. A range of high performance glasses allows light and vision into areas formerly excluded from natural light. Situations where customer interface and high security must coexist, need no longer seem threatening and unfriendly. There is a glass in the SAINT GOBAIN GLASS range to meet virtually any safety and security needs. New technology has granted architecture a range of high performance glasses, which not only meet the need for fire protection, but also offer impact safety and environmental control. SAINT GOBAIN GLASS offers the widest range of fire protection glasses, developed by its specialist division, VETROTECH SAINT GOBAIN. Safety glass. Safety glass is defined as glass which must have passed an impact test currently BS 6. Specification for impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for use in buildings and either must not break or must break safely. There are three levels of impact C, B and A, A being the highest. Each involves the glass being impacted by a leather bag containing 4. The test roughly simulates the impact of a child weighing 1. Three generic types of glass meet the requirement of this British Standard. Laminated Glass. Toughened Glass. Wmv Sample File. Wired Safety Glassonly to a limited extent see Wired glassAll Security Glasses see following section automatically qualify as Class A safety glasses. Laminated glass. There are two types of laminated glass PVB laminated and cast resin laminated glass. PVB laminated is the more commonly used variety. PVB laminated safety glass. Two or more sheets of glass are bonded together with one or more layers of polyvinyl butyral PVB, a plastic interlayer in sheet form. The principal benefit of laminated glasses is their performance under impact. The glass may fracture but any broken fragments will remain firmly bonded to the interlayer. The interlayer also absorbs impact energy, reducing the risk of penetrating the panel. When properly glazed, even safety grade laminates will resist attack, acting as a deterrent to burglars and normally remaining in place until replacement is convenient. Depending on the arrangement, number and thickness of glass sheets and interlayers in the construction of the laminated glass, different levels of protection are possible including against firearms and explosions. The interlayer in laminated glass provides two additional benefits. Ultra violet radiation between 3. For more information on the PVB laminated glass range from SAINT GOBAIN GLASS see SGG STADIP SGG STADIP PROTECT. Resin laminated safety glass. Resin laminated glass is manufactured by pouring liquid resin into the cavity between two sheets of glass which are held together until the resin cures. Also sometimes referred to as cast in place laminated glass, this method is ideal for laminating glass having a heavily textured or patterned surface. It is also possible to add a wide variety of colours to the resin for decorative effect. Not all resin laminates have safety performance. They are principally used for decorative and acoustic purposes, where safety performance is normally of secondary importance. Toughened glass. Toughened glass, also sometimes referred to as tempered glass, is four to five times stronger than ordinary annealed float glass and, if broken, disintegrates into small fragments with dulled edges that are unlikely to cause serious injury. Prepared sheets of glass, which have been cut to size, processed and edgeworked as necessary, are heated to about 7. C in a furnace, which is just above the softening temperature of glass. They are then chilled rapidly by cold air blown onto both surfaces. This results in the two outer surfaces contracting and solidifying before the interior, which induces permanent compressive stresses into the surfaces of the glass, effectively increasing the strength of the glass. The interior of the glass naturally balances the compressive stress surface layers by being under tensile stress. It is these properties which result in the increased strength and safe breakage characteristics of thermally toughened glass. When the central tensile section of the glass is ruptured, the stress is explosively released, producing the fracture characteristics of small, relatively harmless fragments sometimes referred to as dice. In addition to being a Class A safety glass to BS 6. For more information on the range of toughened glass products available from SAINT GOBAIN GLASS, please see SGG SECURIT. Note. A new British Standard for the manufacture of thermally toughened safety glass has now been adopted. The new standard is BS EN 1. Please contact us for more information. Wired glass. A steel wire mesh is embedded within the glass and is intended to hold it in place if cracked. Under impact, the glass breaks in almost the same way as ordinary annealed glass into sharp dagger like pieces. Marking of safety glazing materials. BS EN 1. 26. 00 2. ALL safety glazing materials are permanently marked in a position that will be visible after glazing with the following. The British Standard number BS EN1. A code to identify the material e. L for laminated, T for toughened tempered, P for plastic, W for wired, SFB for safety film backed. Its classification C, B, or A. An o suffix designates front impact only. A name, trademark or identifiable mark of the manufacturer or the company who last cut the material if the original mark is lost in cutting. The marking requirement applies to all panes, even in a multi pane door and to both panes of a double glazed unit. The use of safety glasses. The architectural use of safety glazing is primarily governed by British Standard BS 6. Part 4 1. 99. 4 Glazing for buildings Safety related to human impact. BS 6. 26. 2 is a national standard applying to all glazing work, including replacement glazing and its essential requirements are detailed on the following pages. BS 6. 26. 2 identifies critical locations in general terms only and sets the minimum standards of glazing materials acceptable for use in these areas. It is the responsibility of the designer or the specifier to assess the risk in ANY area, taking account of the use of the building and the likely activity of the users. Bathing areas, swimming pool, showers and other wet areas and gymnasia are all examples of areas of special risk. Additional guidance is also provided by Building Regulations appropriate to the country ie. Approved Document N for England and Wales, Part V for Northern Ireland and Part P of the Building Standards in Scotland. Compliance with BS 6. Part 4 will also satisfy the requirements of Regulation 1. Health and Safety at Work Act. Glass in doors and side panels to Glass in doors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 must be at least. Class B safety glazing material if the smaller dimension of the glass is more than 9. Class C safety glazing material if the smaller dimension of the glass is less than 9. See Glazing in small panes. Glass in low level glazing 6, 7, 8 must be at least Class C, or in small panes.