Anomaly Archives Library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute 5. Source Anomaly Archives e. News 62. 52. 01. The Anomaly Archives Weekly Email Newsletter. June 2. 5th, 2. 01. Austin, Texas.   SUPPORT THE ANOMALY ARCHIVES  ANOMALY NEWS HEADLINES7. Anniversary of the Birth of the Modern UFO Era. Audio interview of Kenneth Arnold You. TubeThis week marks the 7. UFO eras major myths Kenneth Arnolds sighting of a shimmering squadron of delta shaped objects over Mount Rainier, Washington and the crash of a mysterious whatsit outside Roswell, New Mexico with alleged alien bodies recovered by the military. Both events occurred in the Summer of 1. Arnold sighting cited as kicking off the American Flying Saucer craze and the Roswell newsflash only coming to prominence with the publication of The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William Moore in 1. I grew up believing in the classic myth of Roswell representing crashed saucers and pickled aliens scooped up and covered up by the US government but have since come to lean heavily towards the research documented by Nick Redfern in his two books Body Snatchers in the Desert in 2. The Roswell UFO Conspiracy May 2. Both books detail a probable American project melding nefarious human experimentation with advanced avionics nuclear radiation research. A sort of Project Paperclip American importation of German Nazi scientists meets Unit 7. Japanese version of Germanys Dr. Mengele horrors combining Fugo balloons, unwitting human subjects both Japanese and American, and Nazi Horten brother flying wing technologies. Its a lot to take in and no one wants to believe it but given the facts that we already know regarding each area of research not to mention the CIAs MK Ultra sub projects it becomes all too plausible. Well, Nick Redfern is among the illustrious list of speakers presenting at one of two different UFO conferences being held in Roswell this year. Challenges to ET conference organizer Guy Malone. Massive counterclaims, in excess of 10 million, have just been filed against climate scientist Michael Mann after lawyers affirmed that the former golden boy. Anomaly Archives Seeking New Location. Since 2009, the archive and lending library of the 501c3 Scientific Anomaly Institute has shared a space in North West Austin. AidsSexAfrica theory is todays scientific racism. Wikipedia. Scientific racism denotes the use of scientific, or ostensibly scientific, findings and. The text of Brave New World Revisited 1958 by Aldous Huxley. Biography Early life. Thomas Henry Huxley was born in Ealing, which was then a village in Middlesex. He was the second youngest of eight children of George Huxley and. Notes DOCX NA 2017 Scientific Report Discussion assessment for Practical Effect of TEMPERATURE on enzyme activity catalase PDF NA. Energy and the Human Journey Where We Have Been Where We Can Go. By Wade Frazier. Version 1. May 2015. Version 1. September 2014. Original Article. Effects on Blood Pressure of Reduced Dietary Sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH Diet. Frank M. Sacks, M. D., Laura P. The Method Of Scientific Investigation Huxley PdfAlbuquerque Journal coverage of upcoming conferences. Given the sad state of UFOlogy this year see our previous issue and this issues news headlines it will be interesting to see what new information is presented at the two conferences being held. I will be attending the Challenges to ET conference hosted by Guy Malone that features Nick Redfern, Jack Brewer, Greg Bishop, Michael Heiser, and Joseph Jordan. Ill also likely catch a speech or two at the Roswell Incident conference that is presented by the Roswell Daily Record newspaper which is set to feature presentations from Richard Dolan, Linda Howe, Nick Pope, Chase Kloetzke, Chuck Zukowski, Debbie Ziegelmeyer, Race Hobbs, David Marler, Marc DAntonio, Alejandro Rojas, Courtney Brown, and Josh Gates. So, if you are going to be in Roswell from June 2. July 2nd, drop me a line at SMilesAnomaly. Archives. org and maybe we can have some interesting conversations over saucersMeanwhileStop UFOlogical Cultural Appropriation Exploitation of Ancient Human Remains Gaia TV Covers the Mystery Facebook VideoYou have undoubtedly come across news items alleging the discovery of a new mysterious body from Peru being touted as a mummified, possibly alien, body. Blogger and researcher Curt Collins Blue Blurry Lines writes The remains of the dead should not be used as props for UFO promoters and entertainers like Maussan and Gaia. Weve had the Star Child, Greers Sirius Atacama Humanoid, and when challenged about the Be. Witness Slides, Maussan offered a bounty for the childs body itself. Forensic Anthropologists should be in charge of this kind of thing. Once the science is done, if theres anything valid, share it with the world. Until then, let the dead rest in peace. Dont support the exploitation. I couldnt agree more with Mr. Collins on this issue. Youd think folks would have learned by now, especially after the Roswell Alien Slides debacle promoted by Jaime Maussan and others fell apart in May of 2. Yet the human will to believe continues, with many UFOlks looking for the next Smoking Gun Holy Grail to prove their beliefs in Extra. Terrestrial visitation. For a more probable, down to earth explanation, see this Peruvian websites investigation of this and other likely manipulated artifacts. Hat tip to Sharon Hill of Doubtful NewsCheck out the other great news links in our headlines section below. Find all of them and more at our Flipboard page Anomaly Archives Flipboard. Ultimate Spider Man Game Crack Softonic here. CARGO CULTure. Weve also got a great musical interlude this issue to satisfy the alien in all of us the band Blur performing Thought I Was A Spaceman, live  BOOK OF THE WEEKThis weeks book focuses on the man who some say     Made the World Believe in UFOs  Check out our Book of the Week below See yall next issue SMiles Lewis Founder. Anomaly. Archives. SMiles. Lewis. com. Blur Thought I Was A Spaceman. La Musicale 2. 01. Verse 1Thought I was a spaceman. Database Program Geared. Digging out my heart. In some distant sand dunes. In a car park. Cause the desert had encroached upon. The places where we lived. People like me fight. To keep the demons in. But we never succeeded. We never succeeded. In fact we failedVerse 2Thought I was a spaceman. Digging out my heart. In some distant sand dune. In a car park. By the empty harbour. Where the junk boat phantoms float. The fight for happy valley. Sadly, the line brokeVerse 3Thought I found my black box. Washed up on the shore. On outlying islands. Past the land fall. Thought I thought Id found it. But that was not true at all. Id walked into a bar. Raised hellVerse 4Cut the chasm out me. Always and always the same. Put the ghost in writing. And let it be you againThought I was a spaceman. Digging out my heart. In some distant sand dune. In Hyde ParkVerse 5Thought I was a spaceman. Digging out my heart. In some distant sand dune. Hp Laserjet 3030 Software there. You again. Thought I was a spaceman. Digging out my heart. In some distant sand dune. You again. You again. You againLyrics via Genius. Watch Video on You. Tube. Book of the WeekThe Close Encounters Man. How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOsby Mark OConnellThe Close Encounters Man tells the unlikely story of how the governments astrophysicist debunker became the phenomenons most expert defender. If youre jonesing for an extraterrestrial, you should check out The Close Encounters Man by Mark OConnell. OConnell, a writer for Star Trek Deep Space Nine and founder of the UFO blog High Strangeness, set out to write a UFO book people wouldnt need to hide from other people. He found his ideal subject in J. Allen Hynek, the astronomer hired by the United States Air Force in 1. Eventually Hynek broke with his handlers and became the first scientist to lend credence to the UFO phenomenon. The author of 1. 97. The UFO Experience A Scientific Study, he would go on to found the Center for UFO Studies in 1. United Nations in 1. Steven Spielbergs popular Close Encounters of the Third Kind a huge boon to his work, OConnell told me. They shot a scene where the little aliens grab Hyneks pipe from him and stick it up their noses, but it was cut down to a six second cameo. In telling the life story of Hynek, the astro beatnik, OConnell winds up with a stunning panorama of the UFO movementfrom fringe conspiracy theorists to amateur astronomers to agnostic scientistsas well as its colossal impact on pop culture and modern science. An error occurred while setting your user cookie. Please set your. browser to accept cookies to continue. NEJM. org uses cookies to improve performance by remembering your. ID when you navigate from page to page. This cookie stores just a. ID no other information is captured. Accepting the NEJM cookie is.