D Day
DDayOperation Overlord englisch fr Oberherr, Lehnsherr war der Deckname fr die in Nordfrankreich 1944 stattfindende Landung der Westalliierten der AntiHitler. Politico. Florida Playbook. Marc Caputos mustread briefing on whats hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State. Florida Playbook POLITICOBy Marc Caputo mcaputopolitico. Marc. ACaputo with Emily Goldberg egoldbergpolitico. D Day Game DownloadSergio Bustos sbustospolitico. FL and the staff of POLITICO Florida. Good Friday morning. Its going to be cold and rainy tonight in North Florida just in time for President Donald Trump to speak in Pensacola at a campaign rally that, owing to the citys proximity to Alabama, could double as an almost campaign stop for Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate fighting charges he assaulted and pursued teenage girls as a younger man. Speaking of sexual misconduct Story Continued Below. CREDIBILITY QUESTIONS Latvalas star witness in sex harassment case is a campaign supporter, by POLITICO Floridas Alexandra Glorioso and Marc Caputo A star witness for state Sen. Jack Latvala in his sexual harassment case is a political supporter who attended one of his gubernatorial campaign kickoff events in potential violation, his accusers attorney says, of Senate employment policy. Latvala denied that his supporter, Lillian Tysinger, was a campaign volunteer and said she didnt break Senate rules that limit an employee from attending campaign functions because his Aug. Keygen Php Maker Template'>Keygen Php Maker Template. Panama City kickoff event occurred after regular work hours. Tysingers attorney also denied wrongdoing. The revelations raised concerning Tysingers ties to Latvala strike at her credibility as a witness as he fights sexual harassment charges against Rachel Perrin Rogers, a top aide in the Senate Republican majority office, where Tysinger lost her job. Read more. CRICKETS Most Senate Democrats silent in calling for Latvalas resignation, by POLITICO Floridas Alexandra Glorioso and Matt Dixon High profile Republican state Sen. Jack Latvalas political career is on the ropes due to a sexual harassment scandal, but almost all state Senate Democrats remain silent in demanding his resignation, a departure from national Democrats and a likely nod to the chambers internal politics. To date, only two of 1. Senate Democrats, Annette Taddeo and Jos Javier Rodrguez, have called outright for Latvalas resignation. Taddeo said this week that Latvala had created a hostile environment in his fight against the allegations first raised Nov. POLITICO reported that six women anonymously accused the Pinellas County lawmaker of sexual harassment. On Thursday, incoming Senate Democratic Leader Audrey Gibson dodged questions about calling for Latvala to leave the Senate, responding no comment to questions from a POLITICO reporter. Earlier in the week, she said Senator Latvala andor Republican Leadership are the determinants on resignation matters. Read more. SO WRONG Everglades Foundation founder told Weinstein the sex scandal would be forgotten, by Miami Heralds Jose Lambiet Embarrassing emails written by Paul Tudor Jones, the billionaire founder of the powerful Palmetto Bay based Everglades Foundation, to disgraced filmmaker Harvey Weinstein popped up in The New York Times this week. And theyre bound to raise questions among the donors and supporters of the environmentalist nonprofit group as it sells 1,0. Palm Beach black tie fundraiser, a Feb. The Breakers with Jimmy Buffett as the featured entertainer. Read more TALLAHASSEE TALES NOT GAMBLING Seminoles, casino opponents cry foul over fantasy sports bill, by POLITICO Floridas Arek Sarkissian A bill intended to separate fantasy sports from gambling passed its first committee on Thursday, but it already faces opposition from the Seminole Tribe and a group against gambling expansion. State Sen. Dana Young told the Senate Regulated Industries Committee that FL SB3. Seems it is a good time to dust off and refresh a couple of older posts There are so many aspects of Operation Neptune the assault phase of Overlord that are worthy. The U. S. Army remembers June 6, 1944 The World War II DDay invasion of Normandy, France. On the 70th anniversary of the DDay landings in Normandy, northern France, historian James Holland separates truth from myth. GGDDay14.jpg' alt='D Day' title='D Day' />
R defines fantasy sports as a group competing against each other using sports teams created by each participant. This separates fantasy sports from a group wagering on the performance of real teams, which falls under gambling. We need to make sure the individuals playing fantasy sports are not subject to any criminalities because of some uncertainty in our statutes, Young said. The bill passed, 8 1, with state Sen. Dorothy Hukill R Port Orange voting opposed. This is the fourth time state lawmakers have attempted to pass fantasy gaming legislation, which Young R Tampa said would impact 3 million players in the state. Read more. TWITTER TUSSLE Gillum calls Putnams sanctuary cities position all racist, by POLITICO Floridas Matt Dixon Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum said a policy supported by GOP front runner Adam Putnam is all racist Thursday in a Twitter exchange over so called sanctuary cities. Putnam, the states Agriculture commissioner, tweeted out a Politi. Fact story that rated half true a statement he made last month at a campaign stop that Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, as governor would make Florida a sanctuary state. Thanks for the half true, Putnam tweeted at Politi. Fact Florida. Gillum wants to make Florida a sanctuary state. That WILL NOT happen on my watch. In response, Gillum said Putnams tweet was racist. Nes Zelda Free Download'>Nes Zelda Free Download. Half true all racist is nothing to be proud of, commissioner, Gillum tweeted. Im proud to stand up for all people precisely what Floridians expect of their leaders. Read more. SMOOTH SAILING Senate panel raises few questions about Scotts environmental spending plans, by POLITICO Floridas Bruce Ritchie A Senate bill providing 1. Gov. Rick Scotts 2. Florida Department of Environmental Protection and 5. State Sen. Ren Garca R Hialeah on Thursday said the DEP needs to do more for land management, pointing to wildfires in California that he said were caused by a lack of land management and prescribed burning to prevent fires. DEP Secretary Noah Valenstein said his department has 4. He said he would like to meet with Garca to discuss how much of that money goes to other agencies. Read more. SERIOUS PUSHBACK Scotts 8. M infrastructure fund continues to get icy reception in state Senate, by POLITICO Floridas Matt Dixon There is a new chairman of the state Senates economic development budget subcommittee, but the pushback remains the same for one of Gov. Rick Scotts top priorities. Scott wants another 8. Junes special session. So far, the Scott administration has not spent any money from the original 8. Scotts budget request for next year. You expect us to grant this request before we have any information on the outcome from what youre proposing, asked state Sen. Perry Thurston D Fort Lauderdale. His questions were directed at Cissy Proctor, director of the Department of Economic Opportunity. As Scotts top economic development official, she has spent weeks trying to make a tough pitch to skeptical senators weve spent no money, but we need more. Read more. SAD COLLATERAL DAMAGE Senate panel approves bill for babies addicted to opioids, by POLITICO Floridas Alexandra Glorioso State Sen. Kathleen Passidomo on Thursday successfully persuaded the Senate Health Care Appropriations Committee to advance her bill to create community based treatment options for the growing number of babies born to mothers who use opioids during pregnancy. We have a huge opioid crisis as you know, Passidomo R Naples said during the committee meeting. Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File. She said to fight the crisis, the Legislature needed to start with affected newborns. The panel approved the bill, its second of three stops on the way to the Senate floor for a vote. It will now move to the full Senate Appropriations Committee. The bill, FL SB4.