3D Text S
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When I say that the groove contained a sine wave, I mean the bottom of the groves moves up and down in a sinusoidal pattern around the record. I generated all of these files in Processing using the Model. Builder library to export straight to STL. TEST ONE My first test record had 7. I tested two frequencies of sine waves 1. Hz at 3. 3RPM5. 00 cycles per revolution 2. X/2/1/21ca0a948054a17c958af9e1ffc10e5d408f0634.gif' alt='3d Text Style' title='3d Text Style' />Hz at 3. RPMI tested a few different amplitudes, depths, and groove widths for these frequencies and gave each groove a constant bevel size of 2px on each side you can see in fig 5 how the edges of the groove flare outward. I printed the record in Objets Vero Clear material, this material is a fairly hard, clear resin. I printed the file with the smooth setting to prevent any support material from being deposited in the grooves. Unfortunately, when I was ready to make this print we were having some problems with power in our shop, so I had to use another Objet machine that was not set up for high resolution printing the best I could do was 3. DPI XY resolution with 3. Z steps. This is half the resolution that each of these axes is capable of, meaning the print came out at 123, or 18th resolution overall. The results are shown in the video below the grooves were not deep enough to keep the needle inside, so I had to hold in it place with my hand. The record was also a little big for my record player, I decreased the diameter of my STL file to 1. In this video you can hear a periodic frequency sweep on top of the steady sine wave best heard w headphones. This sweeping sound is caused by the needle moving over the thousands of tiny parallel bumps in the print caused by adjacent print heads on the Objet machine. This noise is unavoidable, but increasing the strength of the signal will help to make it less noticeable. Magic Rescue Suit Keygen. The Processing sketch that generated this record is given below sine tests. Excite and engage your learners improve retention of information add character to your courses own the content you create create movies yourself from 1,995 year. A threedimensional stereoscopic film also known as threedimensional film, 3D film or S3D film is a motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth perception. Amanda Ghassaei. https www. D Printed Record. This program is free software you can redistribute it andor modify. GNU General Public License as published by. Free Software Foundation either version 3 of the License, or. UVertex. List record. Perimeter. Upper,record. Perimeter. Lower,record. Text StudioHole. Upper,record. Hole. Lower storage for perimeter and center hole of record. UVertex. List last. Edge storage for conecting one groove to the next. UGeometry geo storage for stl geometry. Iter 1. 00. 00 how many values of theta per cycle. Hole 0. 2. 86 diameter of center hole in inches. Rad 2. 3. 5 radius of innermost groove in inches. Rad 5. 7. 5 radius of outermost groove in inches. Spacing 2. 0 pixel spacing of grooves. Height 0. 0. 8 height of record in inches. Bottom 0 height of bottom of record. Width 1,2,3 in 6. Num TWOPItheta. Iter calculcate inrementation amount. Num 0 variable for keeping track of how long this will take. Text Software Free Download' title='3d Text Software Free Download' />UGeometry place to store geometery of verticies. Up. Variables convert units, initialize etc. Up. Record. Shape draw basic shape of record. Grooves draw in grooves. STLthis, test. stl write stl file from geomtery. Up. Variables. Per. Inch 2. 54. Per. Layer 1. Spacing dpi. bevel dpi. Per. Layermicrons. Per. Inch. depthi depthimicrons. Per. Layermicrons. Per. Inch. groove. Widthi dpi. void set. Up. Record. Shape. Perimeter. Upper new UVertex. List. record. Perimeter. Lower new UVertex. List. record. Hole. Upper new UVertex. List. record. Hole. Lower new UVertex. List. get verticies. TWOPI thetaincr. Num. X diameter2diameter2ostheta. Y diameter2diameter2intheta. Perimeter. Upper. X,perimeter. Y,record. Height. record. Perimeter. Lower. addperimeter. X,perimeter. Y,record. Bottom. center hole. Hole. X diameter2inner. Hole2ostheta. Hole. Y diameter2inner. Hole2intheta. Hole. Upper. addcenter. Hole. X,center. Hole. Y,record. Height. Hole. Lower. addcenter. Hole. X,center. Hole. Y,record. Bottom. Perimeter. Upper. Perimeter. Lower. Hole. Upper. close. Hole. Lower. close. Striprecord. Hole. Upper,record. Hole. Lower. geo. quad. Striprecord. Hole. Lower,record. Perimeter. Lower. geo. quad. Striprecord. Perimeter. Lower,record. Perimeter. Upper. to start, outer edge of record is the last egde we need to connect to with the outmost groove. Edge new UVertex. List. last. Edge. Perimeter. Upper. Num 0 variable for keeping track of how much longer this will take. Grooves. UVertex. List groove. Outer. Upper,groove. Outer. Lower,groove. Inner. Upper,groove. Inner. Lower groove verticies. Outer. Upper new UVertex. List. groove. Outer. Lower new UVertex. List. groove. Inner. Upper new UVertex. List. groove. Inner. Lower new UVertex. List. DRAW GROOVES. Rad outermost radius at 5. Index0 frequency. Indexlt 2 frequency. Index. forbyte amplitude. Index0 amplitude. Indexlt 3 amplitude. Index. forbyte groove. Depth. Index0 groove. Depth. Indexlt 2 groove. Depth. Index. Width. Index0 groove. Width. Indexlt 3 groove. Width. Index. Outer. Upper. reset. Outer. Lower. reset. Inner. Upper. reset. Inner. Lower. reset. TWOPI thetaincr. Numfor theta between 0 and 2pi. Theta sintheta. Theta costheta. Height record. Height depthgroove. Depth. Index amplitudeamplitude. Indexamplitudeamplitude. Indexinthetarequencyfrequency. Index. groove. Outer. Upper. adddiameter2radiusbevelosine. Theta,diameter2radiusbeveline. Theta,record. Height. Outer. Lower. adddiameter2radiusosine. Theta,diameter2radiusine. Theta,groove. Height. Inner. Lower. adddiameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Indexosine. Theta,diameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Indexine. Theta,groove. Height. groove. Inner. Upper. adddiameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Index bevelosine. Theta,diameter2radius groove. Widthgroove. Width. Index beveline. Theta,record. Height. Outer. Upper. Outer. Lower. close. Inner. Upper. close. Inner. Lower. close. Striplast. Edge,groove. Outer. Upper. geo. Stripgroove. Outer. Upper,groove. Outer. Lower. geo. quad. Stripgroove. Outer. Lower,groove. Inner. Lower. geo. quad. Stripgroove. Inner. Lower,groove. Inner. Upper. set new last edge. Edge. reset clear old data. Edge. addgroove. Inner. Upper. radius groove. Spacinggroove. Widthgroove. Width. Index set next radius. Num. printgroove. Num. println of 7. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Spacing extra spacing. Striplast. Edge,record. Hole. Upper close remaining space between last groove and center hole. TEST TWO In my next test I made a record with 1. I made the grooves deeper, increase the bevel of each groove to equal half the amplitude of the sine wave, and tried out three different frequencies 5. I also tested different amplitudes 4, 8 and 1.