Chapter 1. 5 Seismic Design Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures, ASCE 7 1. Nonbuilding structures. Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' title='Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' />Section. Chapter 1. 5. Nonbuilding structures supported by the. Design shall conform to the applicable requirements of. Foundation design. Sections 1. 2. 1. Chapter 1. 4. The design of nonbuilding structures shall provide. Applicable strength and other design criteria shall be. Where applicable strength and other design criteria are not. Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' title='Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' />Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf FreeWhere reference documents define acceptance. Section 2. 4 of this standard and used directly. Detailing shall be in accordance with the reference. Structural. analysis procedures for nonbuilding structures that are similar to. Section 1. 2. 6. Nonbuilding. Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' title='Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' />Web portal for buildingrelated information with a whole building focus provided by the National Institute of Building Sciences. Harry Potter Movies In Hindi Part 2 Free Download. Areas include Design Guidance. T his Introduction to Sprayed Concrete is issued by the Sprayed Concrete Association based in the United Kingdom. It is intended to be used by industry. ACB Asphalt Concrete Base. LCD Liquid Crystal Display Power Point Projector. PDF Portable Document Format. Rubble-Masonry-Retaining-Wall-Design-76-with-Rubble-Masonry-Retaining-Wall-Design-768x614.jpg' alt='Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' title='Design Of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Pdf Free' />Section 1. Section 1. 2. 9, the linear response history analysis. Section 1. 6. 1, the nonlinear response. Section 1. 6. 2, or the. Reference documents referred to in Chapter 1. Chapter 2. 3 and have seismic requirements based on the same force. Chapter 1. 5. Where nonbuilding structures identified in Table 1. Chapter 1. 3 where the values of Rp and ap shall be. Section 1. 3. 1. 5. The supporting. structure shall be designed in accordance with the requirements. Chapter 1. 2 or Section 1. W. For the condition where the weight of the nonbuilding. Where the fundamental period, T, of the nonbuilding structure. The supporting structure shall. Chapter. 1. 2 or Section 1. R value of the. combined system is permitted to be taken as the R value. The nonbuilding structure. Chapter 1. 3 where the value of Rp. R value of the nonbuilding. Table 1. 5. 4 2, and ap shall be taken. Where the fundamental period, T, of the nonbuilding structure. The combined structure shall. Section 1. 5. 5 with the R. R value. of the nonbuilding structure or the supporting structure. The nonbuilding structure and attachments shall be. Architectural, mechanical, and electrical components supported. Chapter 1. 3 of this standard. Nonbuilding structures having specific. Where reference. documents are not cited herein, nonbuilding structures shall. Sections 1. 5. 5 and 1. Section 1. 2. 8 with the following additions and. The seismic force resisting system shall be selected as. For non building structures similar to buildings, a system. Table 1. 2. 2 1 or Table 1. The. appropriate values of R, 0, and Cd indicated in the. Design and detailing requirements. For nonbuilding structures not similar to buildings, a. Table 1. 5. 4 2 subject to the system limitations and. The appropriate values. R, 0, and Cd indicated in Table 1. Design and detailing requirements shall comply with. Table 1. 5. 4 2. Where neither Table 1. Table 1. 5. 4 2 contains. 1Kz-Te Cylinder Head Crack more. Design and detailing requirements shall. For nonbuilding systems that have an R value provided in. Table 1. 5. 4 2, the minimum specified value in Eq. Cs 0. 0. 44. SDSIe1. The value of Cs shall not be taken as less than 0. And for nonbuilding structures located where S1 0. Eq. 1. 2. 8 6 shall be replaced by. Cs 0. 8. S1RIe 1. EXCEPTION Tanks and vessels that are designed to. AWWA D1. 00, AWWA Dl. API 6. 50 Appendix E, and. API 6. 20 Appendix L as modified by this standard, and. ACI 3. 07 as modified. Eq. 1. 2. 8 5 with. Cs 0. 0. 44. SDSIe1. The value of Cs shall not be taken as less than 0. And for nonbuilding structures located where S1 0. Eq. 1. 2. 8 6 shall be replaced. Cs 0. 5. S1RIe1. Minimum base shear requirements need not apply to the. The importance factor, Ie, shall be as set forth in Section. The vertical distribution of the lateral seismic forces in. Using the requirements of Section 1. Using the procedures of Section 1. In accordance with the reference document applicable. For nonbuilding structural systems containing liquids. Section 1. 5. 7. 1, the minimum seismic design force shall. Where a reference document provides a basis for the earthquake. Chapter 1. 5, such a standard shall not. The seismic ground accelerations and seismic. Section 1. 1. 4. The values for total lateral force and total base. The base shear is permitted to be reduced in accordance. Section 1. 9. 2. 1 to account for the effects of soilstructure. In no case shall the reduced base. V. Unless otherwise noted in Chapter 1. Section 2. 3. Where specifically required by Chapter 1. Section 1. 2. 4. 3. The importance factor, Ie, and. The value of Ie shall be. Applicable reference document listed in Chapter 2. The largest value as selected from Table 1. As specified elsewhere in Chapter 1. Nonbuilding structures. T, less than 0. 0. V 0. 3. 0SDSWIe1. Vthe total design lateral seismic base shear force applied to a nonbuilding structure. SDSthe site design response acceleration as determined from Section 1. Wnonbuilding structure operating weight. Iethe importance factor determined in accordance with Section 1. The force shall be distributed with height in accordance with. Section 1. 2. 8. 3. Nonbuilding structures. T, less than 0. 0. V 0. 3. 0SDSWIe1. Vthe total design lateral seismic base shear force applied to a nonbuilding structure. SDSthe site design response acceleration as determined from Section 1. Wnonbuilding structure operating weight. Iethe importance factor determined in accordance with Section 1. The force shall be distributed with height in accordance with. Section 1. 2. 8. 3. The seismic effective weight W for nonbuilding. Section 1. 2. 7. 2. For purposes of calculating. W also shall. include all normal operating contents for items such as tanks. W shall include. snow and ice loads where these loads constitute 2. W or where required by the authority having jurisdiction based. The fundamental period of the. Section. 1. 2. 8. Alternatively, the fundamental period T is permitted to. The values of fi represent any lateral force distribution in. The elastic deflections, i, shall be calculated using the applied lateral. Equations 1. 2. 8 7, 1. The drift limitations of Section. P delta effects shall. The requirements regarding. Chapter 1. 4 shall be applicable unless specifically. Chapter 1. 5. Deflection. Chapter 1. 5. Where required by a. Section 1. 1. 4. 7 of this standard. If a longer. recurrence interval is defined in the reference document for the. LNG tanks. NFPA 5. A, the recurrence interval required in the reference. Anchors in concrete used for. Appendix D of ACI 3. Anchors in masonry used for. TMS4. 02 ACI 5. 30 ASCE 6. Anchors shall be designed to. EXCEPTION Anchors shall be permitted to be designed so. Post installed anchors in concrete shall be prequalified for. ACI 3. 55. 2 or other. Post installed anchors in. Nonbuilding structures similar to buildings as. Section 1. 1. 2 shall be designed in accordance with this. This general category of nonbuilding structures shall. Section 1. 5. 4. The combination. E, shall be determined in accordance. Section 1. 2. 4. In addition to the requirements of Section. Section 1. 2. 8 or 1. Displacements of the pipe rack and potential for interaction. Cddeflection amplification factor in Table 1. Ieimportance factor determined in accordance with Section 1. See Section 1. 3. Friction resulting from gravity loads shall not be. Steel storage racks supported at or below grade shall be designed in accordance with ANSIRMI. MH 1. 6. 1 and its force and displacement requirements, except as. Base Plate Design. Once the required bearing area has been determined from the. Fp, the minimum thickness of the base. ASD design load or the factored. LRFD load. Design forces that include seismic loads for. Section 1. 2. 4. 3. ASCESEI 7. The over strength. Anchorage of steel storage racks to concrete shall be in.