Kung Fu Panda video gameThis article is about the video game. For the film, see Kung Fu Panda. Kung Fu Panda is a video game, loosely based on the movie of the same name. The game was released across various platforms in June 2. It is about the quest of a giant panda named Po to become the Dragon Warrior. GameplayeditKung Fu Panda is intended mainly for children and is based on the movie Kung Fu Panda. Players initially control Po, who differs from the movie in that he possesses a basic level of martial arts skill from the beginning, enabling him to participate in battle. In addition to fighting and jumping challenges, maintaining balance is another important element of the game, such as Po crossing tightropes, staying on moving platforms, and steering a boat through a dangerous river. Over the course of the games narrative, the player improves Pos skill by adding various new fighting techniques and special moves, although in some parts of the game, the player will have to complete the tasks as another character. After collecting a number of coins at the end of each level, the player has the option to buy upgrades to Pos moves and health, as well as a different set of new outfits. Eventually, as the player progresses through the game, theyll be able to unlock other characters, including Master Shifu and the members of the Furious Five a team of elite fighters each with their own fighting styles and mini games. In addition, the player will be able to use objects and weapons when fighting. Furthermore, before each new level, Po narrates the continuing story, while the words are being scrolled up on the screen. In the Wii version, the Wii Remote is used to perform moves and skills, such as the Wuxi Finger Hold in the PS3 version, the motion sensors of the Sixaxis controller can be used to control Crane in missions, where players play as him, while in the Nintendo DS version, while the D pad moves Po, the touch screen is mainly used for combat moves, in the style of the DS version of Spider Man 3, which was also developed by Vicarious Visions. MultiplayereditThe game also includes a multiplayer mode with new levels and characters. In addition, the game features new bosses, including the Great Gorilla, the Wu Sisters, and Nameless. The player can also collect action figures of the Furious Five and rare coins and use them to unlock things at the Extras Menu. In Ancient China, Po the Panda has a dream of bringing down the Black Hoof Boar Clan as the Dragon Warrior, the most powerful Warrior in the land. But his dad wakes him up so he can work at the noodle shop. The next day, the Tournament of the Dragon Warrior is held at the Jade Palace, to determine which of the Furious 5 Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Viper, and Mantis are worthy of being the Dragon Warrior. Po intervenes and lands in the center of the palace and is chosen as the Dragon Warrior. Po trains with Master Shifu after being chosen. Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' title='Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' />Kung Fu Panda Games For PcJoin Po, Tigress, Monkey, Tai Lung, Master Shifu, and all of your favorite Kung Fu Panda characters as they compete in the thrilling Showdown of Legendary Legends. Shifu receives word from Zheng, his messenger, that Tai Lung escaped from prison and is coming for the Dragon Scroll, the key to ultimate power. Jawa 890 Workshop Manual. Po, after napping inside the Palace, stops the Black Hoof Boar Clan from stealing treasures in reality. Following that, Po and Master Crane are sent to Lotus Lake and find that the Golden Croc Gang have taken over and are demanding the villagers give up their egg hatchlings. Po rescues the eggs and the leaders grandchild after Crane saves him from the Lieutenant in a fierce chase. Po and Shifu then head to Wudang Mountains to find some relics of Master Oogway, but they discover that Great Gorilla and his soldiers have got their first. Kung-Fu-Panda.png' alt='Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' title='Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' />Po grabs the relics and defeats Great Gorilla while Shifu defends the Wudang Temple. Back at Lotus Lake, Po and Shifu must save some villager geese from the Croc Gang, who returned despite Pos interference. After their victory, Shifu tells Po that the Furious 5 have gone to fight Tai Lung themselves and leaves Po to find his way back to the Palace. When Shifu arrives back at the Wudang Mountains, a Wolf Slasher tells him that Tai Lung has already defeated and captured the Five. Shifu fends off the Wolves and the Gorillas, rescues the Five and sends them back to the Palace. Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' title='Kung Fu Panda Games For Pc' />Po, wandering the Lands, is looking for s way back to the Palace, but not before stumbling upon Tai Lungs training grounds and finding the Lair of the Wu Sisters. He is able to invade the Lair and defeat the Wu Sisters and finds a map back to the Palace. At the Palace, Shifu fends off the Wolves and confronts Tai Lung himself. Po, who learns about this from his dad upon his arrival in the village, goes to the palace to stop Tai Lung and save Shifu. His Dad tells him that his secret ingredient soup is nothing and says to make something special, you have to believe it is. Cheat Codes from A to Z by The Genie CheatingDome. There are 157,855 cheats listed for 42,315 video games. Press CTRLD to add us Play Super Brawl 3 Good Vs. Evil Online Games and many other Free Games on KBHGames. Brawl is BACK What side are you on Kung Fu Panda 2 3D Bluray 2011 Starring Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman. Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of. Author Martin Liebmanhttp hIDSERP,5270. Kung Fu Panda 3 3D Bluray Awesome EditionKung Fu Panda 3 3D Bluray Awesome Edition 2016 Starring Jack Black, Bryan Cranston and Dustin Hoffman. When Pos longlost panda father suddenly reappears, the. Author Martin Liebmanhttpswallpapershome. IDSERP,5282. 1Wallpaper Kung Fu Panda 3, Po family, Movies 7123Download wallpapers Kung Fu Panda 3, Po family. Available in HD, 4k and 8k resolution for desktop and mobile. Po realizes that the same implies with the Dragon Scroll and that he has to believe hes the Dragon Warrior. Po gets help from Master Monkey and heads for the Palace. Tai Lung fights an defeats Shifu and demands he give up the Dragon Scroll. Shifu refuses, saying hed rather die than give it to him. Po arrives in time and takes on Tai Lung himself. After a fierce duel, Po uses the Wuxi Finger Hold and defeats him. Afterwards, the Valley celebrates Pos victory. ReceptioneditThe game received generally positive reviews from critics. The Xbox 3. 60 version of the game received a 6. Game. Spot,3 it scored a Metacritic rating of 7. It also scored 7. IGN. 5 It also got a positive score of 81. Game Informer. 6In 2. International Animated Film Societys Annie Award for Best Animated Video Game, in recognition of creative excellence in the art of animation. A sequel to the game called Kung Fu Panda Legendary Warriors was made for the Wii and DS game systems, and got mixed reviews. ReferenceseditExternal linksedit.