Dipole Antenna Calculator. The measurements below are for building a simple Dipole Antenna. The Wire Size can range from 16 AWG to 12 AWG. The larger the wire, the. Army Radio Sales Co. Antenna Equipment. This is the standard vehicle antenna rods that were fitted to many military vehicles such as the British Landrovers using the Clansman radios and American Jeeps. The antenna rod sets are supplied as a set of three 1 meter 3 feet painted copper coated steel antenna rods. The rods are sequentially screwed into one another and extend to 3 meters 9 feet. Up to two extra bottom section rods can be added to extend height to 5 meters 1. Tv Software Update Issues. The antenna rods would fit the following American antenna mast bases, MP 6. AB 2. 2, AB 2. 4, as well as most British mast bases such as the Clansman Base Aerial Support No. NATO vehicle antenna mast bases. American part number for the rods is MS 1. A, MS 1. 17. A, MS 1. A. The standard set is supplied as a set of 3 rods, extended rodset is also available, please choose below. The rods are supplied in good used condition, grade 2. Antenna 5 Radio' title='Antenna 5 Radio' />Antenna 5 RadioAntenna 5 RadioAntenna 5 RadioAntenna 5 RadioCb radio Cb antenna and Cb radio Cb accessories like Galaxy Cb radio, Cobra Cb Radio also Ranger, Magnum and Galaxy radios. Police scanner radios, radar detector, GPS.